Monday, April 16, 2012

Two Reports

I came across two interesting reports over the weekend.

One is the 2012 Deloitte Football Money League report, which has a considerable amount of interesting information on the financial performance of the top 30 clubs. It also has this nice schematic that simplifies the workings of the Europa Cup competition:
A second report that I read is from Ernst & Young and presents its estimates of the social and economic impacts of the 2014 World Cup on the Brazilian economy (here in PDF), and projects a significant set of outcomes:
The benchmark scenario used in this study indicates that the 2014 World Cup will produce a surprising cascading effect on investments made in the country. The economy will snowball, increasing by five times the total amount invested directly in event-related activities and impacting various industries. In addition to the R$ 22.46 billion spent by Brazil on the World Cup to ensure an adequate infrastructure and organization (see box on this page), the tournament will bring an additional R$112.79 billion to the Brazilian economy, with indirect and induced effects being produced thereafter. In total, an additional R$ 142.39 billion will flow in the country from 2010 to 2014, generating 3.63 million jobs/yearand R$ 63.48 billion of income for the population . . .
The boost to GDP for 2010-2014 is projected to be about $80B (US$).

There is an academic literature on "mega-events" like the World Cup, and the impacts of hosting (or event competing to host) such events are significant, and not always positive.  See more here.


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