Thursday, March 1, 2018

Sexual Abuse Allegations at US Olympic Sports Organizations

There are a large number of sexual abuse allegations against officials in US Olympic sports bodies. While those against Larry Nassar and USA Gymnastics are the most widely publicized, there are many others. This tabulation is for my own use, but hopefully of use for others as well.

The Washington Post reports:
More than 290 coaches and officials associated with the United States’ Olympic sports organizations have been publicly accused of sexual misconduct since 1982, according to a Washington Post review of sport governing body banned lists, news clips and court records in several states. The figure spans parts of 15 sports and amounts to an average of eight adults connected to an Olympic organization accused of sexual misconduct every year — or about one every six weeks — for more than 36 years.
Here is an initial tally of media reports (updated 15 March 2018):
If you have further pointers, please suggest in the comments or send me a DM, and I'll update.

Further reading:

Haley O. Morton, License to Abuse: Confronting Coach-Inflicted Sexual Assault in American Olympic Sports, 23 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 141 (2016). (PDF)

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